Dannsam led Fhaileas

Let Me Dance with Your Shadow

Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir (Martin MacIntyre)

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Binding: Paperback

ISBN 9781905222575

About the Book: 

Using a contemporary voice to address themes of reflection, love, loss, culture, heritage, family and society that are traditional to Scotland and to the Gaelic world, MacIntyre's collection is poignant, engaging, and destined to be a classic. Each Gaelic poem is accompanied by a full English translation and there are several original English poems. This is the first collection of poetry from the winner of The Saltire Society First Book Award 2003.

About the Author:

Rugadh Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir ann an 1965 agus thogadh an Lèanaidh (Lenzie) e. ’S ann à Uibhist a Deas a bha athair is à Glaschu a bha a mhàthair. Chaidh e a dh’Oilthigh Obar Dheathain, far an tug e a-mach a bhith na dhotair ann an 1988. Eadar 1990 agus 1992 choisinn e teisteanasan ann an Cuspairean na Gàidhealtachd is nam Meadhanan aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Bidh Màrtainn a’ roinn a bheatha-obrach eadar dotaireachd, sgrìobhadh is aithris sgeulachdan. Tha e an-diugh a’ fuireachd ann an Dùn Èideann le a bhean is an dithis chloinne.

Ann an 2003, bhuannaich e duais a’ chiad leabhar aig Comann Crann na h-Alba leis a’ chruinneachadh de sgeulachdan goirid aige Ath-Aithne agus fhuair fear eile de na nobhailean aige, Gymnippers Diciadian, air a’ ghearr-liosa airson leabhar na bliadhna ann an 2005. San Iuchar 2018, thug e a-mach nobhail ùr air a bheil Samhradh '78.

Martin MacIntyre was born in 1965 to a South Uist father and Glaswegian mother, and was brought up in Lenzie. In 1988 he graduated from the University of Aberdeen in medicine, and has attained qualifications in Business and Gaidhealtachd Studies at Sabhal Mor Ostaig. Martin divides his work-time between medicine, writing and storytelling. He lives in Edinburgh with his wife Annmarie and their two children, Sorcha and Iain Finlay.

His previous publications include Ath-Aithne (Re-acquaintance), a collection of short stories which won The Saltire Society First Book Award in 2003 and Gymnippers Dicidian (Wednesday Gymnippers), an Edinburgh-based Gaelic novel shortlisted for The Saltire Society Book of the Year 2005. He has just released his new novel, Samhradh '78.