
Our submissions are open 24/7, 365 days a year.

If you think you have written a book that may fit with Luath’s publishing programme, and would like to make a submission to us, please send:

  • A clear synopsis of up to 250 words

  • Which genre you would categorise it as (use our website categories as a guide)

  • Sample chapters or  entire manuscript

  • A short biography

  • A pre-paid addressed envelope large enough for your sample chapters or manuscript to be returned in, should it be unsuccessful.

Please note that we cannot accept electronic submissions, only paper hard copies. Submissions or proposals sent by email will not be considered. However, please do get in contact with us if you cannot send a physical manuscript due to accessibility issues. 

If you do not enclose a pre-paid envelope, we will assume that you are happy for us to recycle your manuscript. You will still receive a letter notifying you of our decision. Do not send original copies or artwork. Luath Press cannot take responsibility for any items sent to us. We do aim to respond to everyone who submits a piece of work in due course. We do not provide individual feedback and we do not provide updates on your submission.


What are we looking for?

Have a look at the books we have already published. Does your title seem like something we would be interested in? Or, is it a genre we have not published? We publish across multiple genres, so make sure to do your research on your route to submitting to us. 

Don’t limit yourself. Break the mould where appropriate. If you think that we should see your book, submit to us, we would love to see it. 

Looking for help? We are running a blog series on all things publishing.
Check out the following for more assistance:


Ficsean ùr 2025

Cothrom do sgrìobhadairean:

Cuireadh tagradh a chur a-steach

Pròiseact FICSEAN LUATH, ann an co-bhonn ri Comhairle nan Leabhraichean

Tha Luath Press air a bhith a’ foillseachadh ficsean Gàidhlig fon ainm ‘FICSEAN LUATH’ fad sia bliadhna a-nis. Tha an sreath ùr seo a’ dol bho neart gu neart.

Tha Luath toilichte cuireadh a thoirt do sgrìobhadairean ficsein ann an Gàidhlig na h-Alba: nobhailean, neo molaidhean air nobhailean, a chur a-steach airson foillseachadh ann an 2025 air adhart. Beachdaichidh sinn air cruinneachaidhean de sgeulachdan goirid Gàidhlig cuideachd. Ma tha thu nad ùghdar le nobhail Gàidhlig do inbhich (eadar 30,000 facal de dh’fhaid aig a’ char as giorra agus 100,000 facal aig a’ char as fhaide), bhitheamaid toilichte cluinntinn bhuat.

Tha sinn ag amas air co-dhiù 2 nobhail Ghàidhlig fhoillseachadh a h-uile bliadhna.

Cuideachd, mura h-eil an nobhail/cruinneachadh sgeulachdan Gàidhlig agad deiseil fhathast ach ma tha thu a’ miannachadh foillseachadh ann an 2025/2026 air adhart, bhitheamaid airson cluinntinn bhuat cuideachd. Cuir thugainn na th’ agad!

Cuir fios thugainn aig an t-seòladh-d gu h-ìosal ro Diluain 01 an Lùnastal 2024.

Thèid gach tagradh a chumail dìomhair. Bi mothachail: chan urrainn dhuinn gealltanas a thoirt dhut gun tèid d’ obair fhoillseachadh, agus tha am prògram foillseachaidh againn airson nobhailean Gàidhlig cuingealaichte gu 2-3 nobhail gach bliadhna. Mura tèid gabhail ri do thagradh, gu mì-fhortanach, chan urrainn dhuinn a dhol an sàs ann an deasbaireachd.

Cuir fios gu Gavin MacDougall, Luath Press
Neo - gu Oifis Luath (faighnich airson Gavin MacDougall – Beurla a mhàin): Fòn 0131 225 4326

Pròiseact FICSEAN LUATH ann an co-bhonn ri Comhairle nan Leabhraichean.