100 Favourite Gaelic Poems (100 Dàn As Fhèarr Leinn)

Edited by Peter MacKay & Jo MacDonald

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ISBN 9781913025656

Awarded the Derrick Thomson Prize for Best Poetry Book by the Gaelic Books Council and The Scottish Poetry Library in 2021.

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About the Book: 

A collection of 100 favourite Gaelic poems and songs – love poems and hymns, sea ditties and war poems, lullabies and elegies – many translated into English for the first time. Selected by Peter Mackay and Jo MacDonald, and including public nominations, these poems give a multi-layered taste of the full richness of Gaelic literature from the Middle Ages to the present day. 

Cruinneachadh de 100 dàn agus òran Gàidhlig de dh’iomadh seòrsa agus o iomadh linn – nam measg bàrdachd gaoil agus laoidhean, òrain mara agus òrain cogaidh, tàlaidhean agus marbhrainn. Air an taghadh le Pàdraig MacAoidh agus Jo NicDhòmhnaill, le molaidhean an t-sluaigh, tha an cruinneachadh seo a’ toirt blasad de shàr-bheartas litreachas na Gàidhlig.

Poems by…

Meg Bateman • Anna C. Frater • Donnchadh Bàn Mac an t-Saoir • Somhairle MacGill-Eain/Sorley MacLean • Alasdair mac Mhaighstir Alasdair • aonghas macneacail • Ruaraidh MacThòmais/Derick Thomson • Màiri Mhòr nan Òran • Sìleas na Ceapaich • Iseabail Ní Mheic Chailein • Uilleam Ros / William Ross • and many many more


100 favourite Gaelic Poems/Dàn As Fhèarr Leinn would appeal to any dispensation, to any disposition with a capacity for the passions and delicate senses of loss, resolution, festive release, tragic lament, healthy derisive laughter, the whole phantasmagorical cornucopia of poetic possibilities. ALAN RIACH, The National

About the Author:

’S ann à Leòdhas a tha Pàdraig MacAoidh bho thùs ach tha e air fuireach ann an diofair àitichean rè a bheatha. Fhuair e an MA aige bho Oilthigh Ghlaschu agus thug e a-mach ollamhachd aig Colaiste na Trianaide Baile Àtha Cliath. Tha e air obrachadh do dh’Ionad Bàrdachd Sheumais Heaney, Oilthigh na Banrighinn Beul Feirste, Colaiste na Trianaide Baile Àtha Cliath, Colaiste Oilthigh Baile Àtha Cliath agus Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, far an robh e na sgrìobhaiche air mhuinntearas. Bha e ag obair cuideachd mar neach-naidheachd airson a’ BhBC, agus tha e air sgrìobhadh do dhiofar phrògraman aithriseach airson telebhisean agus rèidio, a’ nochdadh ann an cuid dhiubh. 

Tha Pàdraig air iomadh phàipear agus leabhar fhoillseachadh mu nua-bhàrdachd, gu h-àraidh mu bhàrdachd na h-Alba agus na h-Èireann. Bha an ollamhachd aige stèidhichte air buaidh Uilleim Wordsworth air Seumas Heaney. San latha an-diugh, bidh e a’ teagasg ann an roinn na Beurla aig Oilthigh Chill Rìmhinn.

Originally from the Isle of Lewis, Peter Mackay has an MA from Glasgow University and a PhD from Trinity College, Dublin. He has worked at the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry, Queen’s University Belfast, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, where he was writer in residence. He has also worked as a Broadcast Journalist and television news producer for the BBC, and written or appeared in various documentaries on radio and television.

Peter has published widely on contemporary poetry, particularly Irish and Scottish poetry. His PhD was on the influence of William Wordsworth on Seamus Heaney. He teaches in the School of English at the University of St Andrews.

JO MACDONALD is a native Gaelic speaker from the island of Lewis. During her career – spent largely with the BBC – she worked mainly in factual and education programming. Jo now works as a freelance researcher, writer, broadcaster and translator.