Lesley Riddoch, author of Blossom: What Scotland Needs to Flourish was recently featured on Scottish Book Trust’s Book Talk podcast.

Lesley discusses the future of Scotland at the dawn of a momentous year for the country. Why, she wonders, is a country with so much promise so troubled? And what can be done about it? Quite a bit, as it turns out. Learn more about Lesley’s hopes for the country and what can be done to make Scotland a fairer, even more vibrant place to live.

The podcast features a number of other authors, but if you only want to listen to what Lesley has to say, she is featured from 22:18-35:34. We have embedded the podcast player below, but if for any reason it does not work you can access the original on Scottish Book Trust’s website, or via iTunes.

Have a look at our footage of Lesley at her book launch below: