In this 12 part, quick-fire Mythbusters series, Revolution author Todd Westbrook dispels the myths and misconceptions that surround the wind power movement. This time, Todd tackles the idea that wind farms negatively affect Scottish tourism…


Todd says:
Individual wind projects produce power at least 80 per cent of the time and in Scotland the sector has an average load factor of 30–50 per cent, depending on the site. Output is forecastable, which means that on still days power production can be brought into play from elsewhere on the electricity network.

Wind does not require more ‘back-up’ than any other technology. For comparison, low carbon rival, nuclear, features a load factor of around 70 per cent due to shutdowns for inspections, maintenance, unplanned outages and refuelling – and by the way, wind does not require any fuel.

Next time: Todd tackles emissions …