The Missing Scotland

Why over a million Scots choose not to vote and what it means for our democracy

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Edition: Paperback

ISBN 9781910021392

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About the Book: 

From national and local elections to the debate on the independence referendum, a large part of Scotland is missing from our political and public debates.

This book directly gives voice to the missing people of Scotland as Willie Sullivan (in association with the Electoral Reform Society) investigates why this part of Scotland is lost, asking the missing electorate to articulate why they find themselves so politically disengaged, what their take of mainstream Scotland is and what they feel is lacking, and finally exploring what they feel must be done in order change this for the better.


The only reason to vote is if the vote represents power or change. I don't think it does. I fervently believe that we deserve more from our democratic system than the few derisory tit-bits tossed from the carousel of the mighty. RUSSELL BRAND

A lot of people in Scotland have no daily contact with democracy; they have no contact in their immediate personal environment with democracy. That is not just a jigsaw piece that is missing in Scottish democracy; it is a founding stone of democracy that is missing in Scotland. DEMOCRACY MAX Report

A large part of Scotland is missing from our political and public debates, what kind of changes are needed for them to engage? GERRY HASSAN OpenScotland Series Editor

About the Author:

WILLIE SULLIVAN is the Director of ERS Scotland. He has worked at senior levels in the business, voluntary and public sector. He was the Campaign consultant on the successful Fairshare Campaign for introduction of STV for Scottish Local Government and was Campaign Director for Vote for a Change, the campaign to secure a referendum on electoral reform. Sullivan was recently seconded to be Head of Field Operations for the Yes campaign in the UK-wide AV referendum. He also has been a paid political advisor to senior politicians in the UK and Scottish governments.