Scotland the Worst

A Derogatory Guide to the Worst Places to Visit

Charles Maciejewski

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Edition: Paperback

ISBN 9781912147922

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About the Book: 

An alternative guide to our bonnie wee country and its inhabitants, this book is a compendium of some of the less generous comments made by 17th, 18th and 19th century visitors. Hopefully much has changed - and mostly for the better!

The New Town of Edinburgh is beautifully monotonous, and magnificently dull. J JOHNSON, 1834

Small flies, alias midges… the little miscreants are the very torture of life in Skye. They start in ravenous armed myriads, making work utterly impossible, till at last, with fevered blood, and face and hands literally swollen by their attacks… you have to leave the spot. C GORDON-CUMMING, 1876

While we were looking out of window… a wild yell, as from a hundred tortured pigs, ascends upon the breeze, and there… pacing the lawn in from of the hotel is the wretched man with the baggy-pipe. C BEDE, 1863

About the Author:

CHARLES MACIEJEWSKI was born in East Lothian 65 years ago and has spent most of his life in Scotland on both the east and west coasts. He currently lives on the outskirts of Inverness. He served in the British Army and the Scottish Police Service prior to working in the Middle East for a number of years. He enjoys spending his retirement touring Scotland with his wife and researching the places he visits through old books and journals, an activity which provided the inspiration for this book.