Edition: Paperback

ISBN 9781910022061

The Gaelic Literature Awards 2020 - Best Unpublished Manuscript for Adults

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About the Book: 

Le car beag de fhreastal thig cruth-atharrachadh air beatha. ’S ann mar sin a lorgar gaol ann an àite-pàircidh, cuideachd an cois parsail a thèid a lìbhrigeadh dhan doras cheàrr, agus rùn teaghlaich a chuireas beatha bun os cionn an cùl drathair. Caillear dotair òg san t-sneachda às dèidh ran-dan na Nollaige. Gheibhear cothrom air dìoghaltas air bòrd aiseag CalMac. Thig an t-àm a dh’fhalbh beò am broinn cafaidh ann an Eilean Bhòid is èiridh na mairbh aig cèilidh. Sin dìreach cuid de na suidheachaidhean neo-àbhaisteach anns an lorg caractaran àbhaisteach iad fhèin is far an tig orra an dòchasan is an deamhainean a rèiteachadh

Ordinary people. Everyday situations. Extraordinary outcomes. One small twist of fate and the normal turns to the fantastic. And so, the book's characters are propelled into the world of the marvellous, the supernatural and the surreal; not to mention the ridiculous; where they wrestle with their demons, their desires and their failings. Sometimes they triumph. Sometimes life triumphs. Their stories take us from the familiar shores of the Gàidhealtachd through the smoky streets of Glasgow and the industrial heartlands of the North of England to the sun scorched African Savannah.

Taking inspiration from local folklore on the Island of Arran, traditional Gaelic story telling themes and techniques are weaved into modern topics such as relationships, drug use and mental illness.

Take a walk up the glen and dive into the deep pool.

About the Author:

Tha Alistair Paul stèidhichte air Eilean Arainn, is e a’ fuireach ann an Breadhaig. ’S ann à Glaschu a tha e bho thùs, ach ’s e an ùidh a bh’ aige ann an eachdraidh agus cultar Eilein Arainn a thug air a’ Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh. Le barrachd tuigse sa chànan, thòisich e ri sgeulachdan agus bàrdachd a sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig. Cleachdaidh e dòighean-obrach traidiseanta, a tarraing à dualchas an eilein gus na sgeulachdan eireachdail aige a chruthachadh. Bhuannaich an obair aige duais Làmh-sgrìobhainn as Fheàrr do dh’Inbhich ann an 2020 agus bhuannaich e Duais Sgrìobhadairean Ùra sa Ghàidhlig bho Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean agus an Scottish Book Trust ann an 2018.

Bidh e a’ sgrìobhadh aistidhean, bàrdachd agus lèirmheasan anns an iris air-loidhne Dàna. Nuair nach eil e a’ sgrìobhadh, tha e ag obair mar ghàirnealair agus a’ cluich na fìdhle ann an còmhlan cèilidh.

Alistair Paul is based in the Isle of Arran, and lives in Brodick, although he is originally from Glasgow. His fascination with Arran’s history and culture prompted him to learn Gaelic. His enthusiasm for the language blossomed, developing his connection with Gaelic creative writing. He is interested in traditional story-telling techniques and weaves these into contemporary themes in his short stories. He won the Best Unpublished Manuscript for Adults at the Gaelic Literature Awards 2020 and in 2018 was awarded the Gaelic New Writers Award by the Gaelic Book Council and Scottish Book Trust.

 He also writes essays, poetry and reviews for the online Gaelic magazine, Dàna. While he is not busy writing, he works as a landscape gardener and plays the fiddle in a cèilidh band.