Class Rules

the Truth about Scottish Schools

James McEnaney

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Edition: Paperback

ISBN 9781910022603

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About the Book: 

Every single person in Scotland has some kind of stake in the effectiveness of the nation’s schools, so in writing this book my goal was to explain the intricacies and inconsistencies of the system, and to explore its strengths and weaknesses, in a way that makes sense to as many of those people as possible. The truth about Scottish schools is that it’s not just about classrooms – it’s also about class.

In Class Rules, investigative journalist and former secondary school teacher James McEnaney poses the hard questions that need to be addressed if Scottish education is to be built back better.

We need to ask what we think our schools, and our education system as a whole, are actually for. Is the goal to mould our kids into productive workers or well-developed human beings?

How do we keep the petty partisan squabbles of bickering politicians away from our kids?

This book shows where the power lies to transform the lives of our young people – it is a must-read for policymakers, parents, pupils, teachers and anyone interested in what lies ahead for schools in Scotland. What steps do we need to take to tackle misogyny, systemic racism and all other forms of conscious and unconscious discrimination that continue to blight the lives of far too many children and adults in schools?


Brilliantly written - far more eloquent than anything else that is available on Scottish educationPROFESSOR LINDSAY PATERSON

In this fascinating and forensic exploration of Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence, James McEnaney explores the ups and downs of implementing a new education system and all the problems that emerge when promises of freedom bump into a desire for control. He looks at what the story behind the headlines and data tells us about the successes and weaknesses of the system, showing how some schools, in spite of all the difficulties, have truly embraced the spirit of the changes and have had huge impact on their communities and students. He offers critique and criticism, but also strong ideas for how the system might move forward, drawing on international and national examples. It's a tour de force and anyone seriously interested in thinking about how CfE could truly be excellent, needs to read it. DEBRA KIDD, Author of Curriculum of Hope and Teacher

I really enjoyed reading this – it’s great to have a book that looks at the stories behind the headlines and it's coming at just the right time for Scottish education. COLIN MCGILL, Lecturer in Education at Edinburgh Napier University

Class Rules provides an excellent overview of recent events and debates in Scottish education. Making the most of McEnaney’s skills as a journalist and his experiences as a teacher, the book combines anecdotes from the front line, analysis of statistics, potted history and passionate polemic to great effect. A valuable contribution to a discussion Scotland needs to have. AVEEK BHATTACHARYA, The Social Market Foundation

His proposals on how our education could look merit serious consideration by policymakers. Children in Scotland Magazine

A challenge to the insider class who run Scottish education and those who defend them. […] McEnaney fearlessly takes on the evasions and complacencies. GERRY HASSAN

What teachers say about Class Rules:

  • "This book cuts through the jargon, party political spin and makes the plethora of educational data accessible. It highlights a great deal of issues that teachers have been trying to get politicians to listen to for years but has fallen on deaf ears. I found myself nodding as I read each chapter. After the 2020 exam fiasco highlighted long term systemic problems in Scottish education, this book ultimately opens up discussion on what we are getting right and where we, as a country, could go from here to improve the life chances of our children and young people."

  • "I really enjoyed this: it is accessible, de-politicised and, ultimately, a rational look at the issues facing Scottish education. It is explained in a way that is not confined to teacher circles as well, which I think is crucial."

  • "I love reading and particularly enjoy texts that challenge my thinking. With this book, you have done just that. Class Rules is a must read for anyone interested in the future of Scottish education. McEnaney sets out a number of challenges that will fuel the current thinking of many, provide new ideas for others and possibly enrage some readers. Either way, he has provided a rich conversation starter, a conversation that simply must be had, now!"

  • "It is about time that the whistle was blown and the spotlight shone on the serious issues facing Scottish education today. As an ordinary teacher, I am pleased that a book like this has finally been written. I hope that it helps change the course of the future of our schools. Every teacher and parent in Scotland should buy a copy."

  • "Scottish education has lost its way. This book charts the reefs, wrecks and shallows we need to be aware of if we are to chart a path to calmer, kinder, waters. I think that this is a comprehensive review and should be proscribed reading for ScotGOV, SQA+ and any others who intend to effect real and positive change in/for Scottish education."

About the Author:

JAMES McENANEY is a lecturer, journalist and writer who currently lives near Glasgow. He is a leading commentator on issue affecting Scottish education. James specialises in investigative journalism with a particular focus on Scottish schools, freedom of information and policymaking. He has worked with a wide range of publications including traditional titles such as The Times, The Guardian, and The Daily Record, as well as new media platforms like The Ferret.