Simon Barrow

SIMON BARROW is Director of the beliefs, ethics and politics think tank Ekklesia. From 2000 to 2005 he was assistant general secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the official ecumenical body. He has written and contributed to numerous books, recently editing Scotland 2021 (with Mike Small – Bella Caledonia/Ekklesia, 2016), A Nation Changed? The SNP and Scotland Ten Years On (with Gerry Hassan – Luath Press, 2017) and Scotland the Brave? Twenty Years of Change and the Future of the Nation (with Gerry Hassan – Luath Press, 2019).
Forthcoming publications include A Better Nation: The Challenges of Scottish Independence (with Gerry Hassan – Luath Press 2022). He is also co-founder and chair of the Scottish Football Supporters Association, and lives in Leith, having relocated to Scotland from England in 2010.