Kenneth R Bogle


received his education at Hawick High School before pursuing higher studies at Edinburgh University, where he earned a doctorate in Scottish History. With a deep passion for his country's rich past, Kenneth has authored seven previous books, establishing himself as a respected figure in the field of local and Scottish history. His role as the Local History Officer and Archivist for Midlothian Council further reflects his commitment to preserving and promoting the historical legacy of the region.

Residing in Edinburgh with his wife, Kenneth nurtures a personal interest in rugby, amassing an extensive collection of rugby programmes over the years. Outside of his professional work, he is an avid supporter of the sport and holds a long-standing ambition close to his heart: to one day witness his rugby team, Hawick, secure victory against their traditional rivals, Melrose. This lifelong passion for rugby mirrors his enthusiasm for Scottish heritage, underscoring both his personal and professional dedication to his community and its history.

Books by Kenneth R Bogle: