Angie Zelter

ANGIE ZELTER is a well-known campaigner on peace, justice, environmental and human rights issues. She works at the grass-roots level in the UK and abroad, encouraging and supporting global citizens, acting in the public interest, and showing by her example, creative and nonviolent ways to resist the cruelty, waste and pollution of society's present-day structures. She is a founder member of the Institute for Law and Peace, Trident Ploughshares, the International Women's Peace Institute – Palestine, Faslane 365 and Action Atomic Weapons Eradication. She is a recipient of the 1997 Sean McBride Peace Prize (for the Seeds of Hope Ploughshares action), and the 2001 Right Livelihood Award (on behalf of Trident Ploughshares). She now lives in Wales working with others to manage woodlands for local use whilst preserving bio-diversity and on various local organic food growing projects.