Alison Lang
Tha Alison Lang na sgrìobhaiche, na dràmadaiche agus na neach-deasachaidh ag obair ann an Gàidhlig. Tha i air obrachadh do MG ALBA, Tèatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba agus mar neach-aithisg oifigeil aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. Fhuair a’ chiad chruinneachadh de sgeulachdan goirid aice, Cainnt na Caileige Caillte, air a’ ghearr-liosta airson duais leabhar na bliadhna aig Comann Crann na h-Alba agus fhuair Am Balach Beag a dh’Èisteadh aig Dorsan agus na chuala e, an còigeamh leabhar aice a tha na chiad fhear airson Luath Press, air a’ ghearr-liosta airson Duais Dhòmhnaill Meek.
Alison Lang is a novelist, dramatist and editor writing principally in Scottish Gaelic. She has worked for Gaelic broadcaster MG ALBA, for the National Theatre of Scotland and as an official reporter at the Scottish Parliament. Her first collection of short fiction, Cainnt na Caileige Caillte, was shortlisted for the Saltire Society first book of the year award, and Am Balach Beag a dh’Èisteadh aig Dorsan agus na chuala e, her fifth book and her first for Luath Press, was shortlisted for the Donald Meek Award.
Books by Alison Lang:
The Stones of the Ancestors
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Facing the Nation
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The Ultimate Guide to Being Scottish
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- from £6.66
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- from £6.66
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The Ultimate Burns Supper Book
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- from £3.73
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- from £3.73
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