
Alistair Paul

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Binding: Paperback

ISBN 9781804251720

This book will be available May 2025

About the Book: 

’S e cruinneachadh de sgeulachdan-goirid ficsein saidheansail a th’ ann an Iomall le Alasdair Paul. Coltach ri nobhailean bho ùghdaran leithid William Gibson, J.G Ballard agus Rudy Rucker, tha sgeulachdan Paul a’ toirt an leughadair air turas iongantach gu saoghalan ùra. 

Bho sgeulachdan mu chreutairean neo-thalmhaidh agus daoine glacte ann an tìm, gu sgeulachdan mu chomputairean iongantach agus ‘gaol-reoithe’, tha Iomall a’ tabhainn  ri chèile measgachadh de stòiridhean àirid agus aithrisean annasach. Tha an cruinneachadh seo iomchaidh do leughadairean a tha measail air nobhailean ficsean saidheansail agus daoine a tha airson eòlas fhaighinn air litreachas Gàidhlig ann an co-theacsa ùr agus dàna. Ma tha ùidh agaibh anns na sgeulachdan avant-garde bho Semiotext(e), neo ma tha sibh measail air stòiridean do-chreidsinneach agus os-fhìreach, bidh do bheò air a ghlacadh le Iomall. Tha an cruinneachadh seo a’ tabhann rudeigin ùr do luchd-leughaidh na Gàidhlig agus do dhaoine a tha measail air sgeulachdan ùr-ghnàthach.

Iomall by Alistair Paul is a collection of Gaelic short stories that pushes the boundaries of science fiction and the supernatural. With echoes of iconic authors like William Gibson, J.G. Ballard and Rudy Rucker, Paul’s stories transport readers to strange new worlds and alternate realities, blending futuristic ideas with a distinctly Gaelic voice.

From alien abductions and time loops to biological supercomputers and frozen love, Iomall offers an innovative mix of mind-bending concepts and compelling narratives.

This collection is perfect for readers who enjoy experimental fiction, lovers of sci-fi with a twist or anyone eager to experience Gaelic literature in a fresh and daring context. If you’re intrigued by the avant-garde works of Semiotext(e) or enjoy surreal, boundary-pushing storytelling, Iomall will captivate your imagination.

Readers who appreciate thought-provoking, boundary-pushing narratives will find themselves captivated by the imaginative worlds Alistair Paul creates. Whether you’re drawn to cutting-edge ideas or enjoy the surreal and strange, this collection offers something fresh and original for lovers of both Gaelic literature and innovative 

About the Author:

Author photo of Alistair PaulALISTAIR PAUL lives on the Isle Of Arran where he works as a gardener and where he and his partner raised a family of two children. In 2018 he won a Scottish New Writers Award and his first book 'Linne Dhomhain' was awarded the prize for the The best unpublished Manuscript at the Gaelic Literature Awards in 2020. All together his work has appeared five times on the award's short lists. As well as writing fiction Alistair has had poetry, non fiction articles and reviews published in Steall, Dàna, Poet's Republic and Tuath and he has published a collection of Arran folklore, poetry and music.