Women of Scotland

David R. Ross

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Binding: Paperback

ISBN 9781906817572

About the Book: 

In a mix of historical fact and folklore, 'biker-historian' David R. Ross journeys across Scotland to tell the stories of some of Scotland's finest women. From the legend of Scota over 3,000 years ago to the Bruce women, Black Agnes and the real Lady Macbeth, through Kay Matheson - who helped liberate the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey - and Wendy Wood in the 20th century, these proud and passionate women shaped the Scotland of today.

Leading his readers to the sites where the past meets the present, this is a captivating insight into some remarkable tales of the Scottish people that have previously been neglected, a celebration of and tribute to the Women of Scotland.

Often in my daily life I find that it is the women of Scotland that have the true patriot sould their menfolk sometimes lack. Scotland means something to so many of them, and Caledonia burns deep within their collective memory. I hope that both Scots men and women are inspired or moved by some of the stories told here. Women of Scotland, it is you who will bear and nurture our future generations. Instil in them a pride in their blood that will inspire the generations yet to come, so that our land will regain its place, and remain strong and free, defiant and proud, for the Scots yet unborn. - DAVID R. ROSS


A wonderful book, written in Davie's usual inimitable style. I felt that he was right there speaking to me through the words and that was both a sad and lovely thing. FIONA WATSON

About the Author:

The Glasgow-born historian DAVID R ROSS always had a passion for Scotland, its landscapes, its traditions and its history. Every free moment was spent on his motorcycle stravaiging around historic sites, battlefields and castles exploring the spots where the great and not so great Scots of history stood. His works ‘On the Trail of… Wallace, Bruce and Bonnie Prince Charlie’ have the exact proportion of unconventional and unashamed patriotism, highlighting the freedom and independence Wallace, Bruce and others fought so hard to win. There is nothing wrong with academic history books, it’s just that David Ross was not one to sit on the fence. He would rather jump down hard on one side of it, and probably, being a Scot, he would land with squelch. In A Passion for Scotland, David uncovered rare items of Scots provenance in Europe and rediscovered much of Scotland’s lost history. He deplored the loss of Scots culture now rapidly fading into dull universal conformity, but at the same time the book has a new refreshing look at Scotland’s past and its impact on the present is enlightening, making Scottish history accessible and understandable for the casual reader.