Constabal Murdo Collection

Angus Peter Campbell

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Constabal Murdo; 9781912147496; Paperback; Shortlisted for The Donald Meek Award 2018

Constabal Murdo 2; 9781910022733; Paperback; Winner of the Gaelic Literature Awards 2022 Fiction Book of the Year

About Constabal Murdo:

A precious golden souvenir has disappered from Kisimul Castle, Barra. The historic brooch was given as a gift by the Chief of Clanranald to MacNeil of Barra in the 16th century. Or perhaps it was treasure found from a shipwrecked galleon from the Spanish Armada...

The local constable, PC Murdo, set outs to find 'who dunnit'. He has seven suspects, but in his search for the truth of the theft discovers that suspicion and prejudice make poor detectives. Help comes from smart officers from the mainland, whose most difficult challenge is Murdo himself.

In this short, humorous novel mystery and psychology are lightly mixed, revealing that folk’s actions and characters are as contradictory as they are complex. PC Murdo would find himself at home in both Whisky Galore and Para Handy. Constabal Murdo is a compassionate examination of how attitudes predicate actions which make or break communities.

About Constabal Murdo 2:

Ged a leig Constabal Murdo dheth a dhreuchd, agus e fhèin ’s a bhanacharaid air an dòigh a’ cur seachad nam feasgairean a’ coimhead ‘A Place in the Sun’, tha feum air fhathast ann an latha na h-èiginn.

A dh’aindeoin Brexit, tha maorach a’ fàgail nan eileanan gach seachdain airson na Roinn Eòrpa, agus bathar nach eil cho fallain a’ tighinn nan àite. Cò e am Maighstir Mòr, agus cò na sgalagan a tha ag obair dha? Is dòcha nach eil mòran foghlaim aig Murchadh, ach tha gliocas dùthchasach a dh’aithnicheas an diofar eadar caora is gobhar, agus cò a b’ fheàrr a rachadh air tòir na fìrinn?

Sgeulachd thaitneach cho-aimsireil a tha a’ toirt an leughadair o Mhalaig gu Marseille. Drùidhteach, èibhinn, dùbhlanach agus togarrach. Nach tig sibh còmhla ris air an sgiorradh chunnartach seo tarsainn na Roinn Eòrpa gu bhan nan tiops agus nan reòiteagan ri taobh an A9?

Far am faigh sibh, aig a’ char as lugha, aon Chornetto...

Although Constable Murdo has retired, and he and his female friend are happily passing the time watching ‘A Place in the Sun’, he is still invaluable at a time of crisis.

Despite Brexit, weekly shellfish stocks are leaving the islands for Europe, and being replaced by more unsavoury goods. Who is the Big Boss and who are the minions working for him? Murdo may not be the most educated of characters, but he has a generic wisdom that can distinguish a sheep from a goat, so who better to go in search of the truth?

A delightful contemporary story that takes the reader from Mallaig to Marseille.

Penetrating, hilarious, challenging and inviting. Why don’t you join him on this dangerous adventure across Europe to the chips and ice-cream van beside the A9?

About the Author: 

Tha Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul air iomadach duais a chosnadh mar bhàrd, nobhailiche, neach-naidheachd, craoladair agus cleasaiche. Buinidh e do dh’Uibhist-a-Deas far an deach a thogail gus an do ghluais a theaghlach a-mach gu sgìre an Òbain nuair a bha e 13. Chaidh e dhan Àrd Sgoil an sin, far an robh Iain Crichton Mac a’ Ghobhainn ga theagasg. Cheumnaich e le Àrd Urram ann am Poileataics agus Eachdraidh o Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, agus tha e air a bhith ag obrachadh anns na meadhanan on uair sin. Ann an 2011 chaidh Crùn na Bàrdachd a thoirt dha. Ann an 2002 choisinn e Duais Chruthachail na h-Alba agus ann an 2008 chaidh ainmeachadh airson BAFTA son an Cleasaiche as fhèarr son na rinn e anns am film Seachd. Chaidh an nobhail Gàidhlig aige, ‘An Oidhche Mus do Sheòl Sinn’ a bhòtadh a-steach leis a’ phoball dhan Phrìomh Dheich anns a’ chlàr airson na 100 leabhraichean a b’ fhèarr a chaidh riamh a dhèanamh an Alba. Sgrìobh Somhairle MacGill-Eain seo mu dheidhinn – “Chan eil teagamh sam bith agam nach e Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul fear de na bàird as fhèarr a th’againn ann an Alba, ann an cànan sam bith.”


ANGUS PETER CAMPBELL is a native of the Island of South Uist in the Outer Hebrides and was brought up there and on the Island of Seil in Argyll. He attended Oban High School where his English teacher was Iain Crichton Smith, then graduated with Honours in History and Politics from the University of Edinburgh, under the guidance of the great Marxist teacher Professor Richard Ashcraft from the UCLA who was a Visiting Fellow at the time.

His writing has won many awards over the years, including the premier Bardic Crown from the leading Gaelic organisation, An Comunn Gàidhealach. His Gaelic novel An Oidhche Mus do Sheòl Sinn was voted by the public into the Top Ten of the Best-Ever novels from Scotland. His poetry collection The Greatest Gift was reviewed as a masterpiece by Sorley MacLean, his poetry collection Aibisidh won the Scottish Poetry Book of the Year Award in 2012, and his novel Memory and Straw the Scottish Fiction Book of the Year Award in 2017. The writer, academic and singer Dr Anne Lorne Gillies has described him as ‘an international literary figure alongside the likes of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Toni Morrison and Laura Esquivel’.