Scotland the Brave Land

10,000 Years of Scotland in Story

Stuart McHardy

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Edition: Paperback

ISBN 9781908373496
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About the Book: 

There is not a stream or a rock that does not have its story. STUART McHARDY

With the release of Disney-Pixar’s Brave the world’s attention is being drawn to Scotland and its fascinating history. But Brave merely scrapes the surface of Scotland’s rich story-telling culture. This collection of tales is the next step for anyone wishing to look further into the traditions of Scotland. These enchanting tales reflect the wide diversity of its heritage and there are few aspects of Scottish tradition that have escaped memorialisation in folklore.

With its captivating, and often gruesome, tales of heroic warriors in battle, bold heroines, deceitful aristocracy, and supernatural creatures Brave Land is a journey into the cultural heritage of a nation and the folklore surrounding the creation of the breath-taking landscape of its country.

Scotland the Brave Land provides the reader the perfect opportunity to delve a little deeper into the myths, legends and history of this truly mesmerising country.


With its captivating and often gruesome tales of heroic warriors in battle, bold heroines, deceitful aristocracy, and supernatural creatures this is a journey into the cultural heritage of a nation. SCOTTISH REVIEW OF BOOKS

Scotland the Brave exposes the beating heart of Scottish storytelling. EDINBURGH LIFE Sept/Oct 2012


Stuart McHardy’s new collection of tales beautifully renders the mythology that has flourished in the oral tradition, alongise and in response to Scotland’s awe-inspiring natural landscape. EDINBURGH LIFE Sept/Oct 2012


About the Author:

STUART MCHARDY is a writer, historical scholar, poet, musician, folklorist and renowned lecturer about Scottish history and culture, at home as well as abroad. His unique understanding of tradition comes from a thorough immersion in the storytelling arts and history alike. Former President of the Pictish Arts Society and the Director of the Scots Language Resource Centre, McHardy has occupied lead positions with organisations working towards the aim of rediscovering Scottish national identity.