Out of the Mists

John Barrington

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Binding: Paperback

ISBN 9781905222339

About the Book: 

In the earliest hours of the morning shepards gather, waiting for the mists that conceal the hillsides to clear. To pass the time they tell tales of roaming giants, marauding monks and wierd witches. Enter this world of magic and wonder in Out of the Mists a delightful collection of stories which will captivate and entertain you while answering your questions about Scottish history and folklore.

Why did Saint Andrew become the patron saint of Scotland?

How can you protect yourself from faerie magic?

What happened to Scotland's last dragon?

How did Arthur's Seat get its name?

Award winning author John Barrington uses wit and his encyclopaedic knowledge of Scottish folklore to create a compelling and absorbing collection of stories that will capture the imaginations of readers of all ages.

About the Author:

JOHN BARRINGTON is an established storyteller and author, who herded 780 Scottish Blackface sheep on the 2000ft Perthshire mountains above Loch Katrine. Successful at sheepdog trials, shepherd and dogs have given demonstration of their ancient craft at two Garden Festivals and many shows, galas and Highland Games.

In 1998, the Scottish Qualification Authority asked John Barrington to design a course in sheepdog handling and management, which took two years to complete. The first classes were run at Oatridge Agricultural College, new Edinburgh, in 2000, the author at the helm. Students were enrolled from Ireland, England and all parts of Scotland.

With a good eye for sheep, John Barrington judged the classes of Shetland sheep at the Royal Highland Show, Edinburgh in 1994. This was followed by several judging trips to Europe. Shepherding is acknowledged to be the second oldest profession in the world, so there are many, many stories to be told.

Red Sky at Night, his first book and a UK bestseller, won him a Scottish Arts Council book award.