Edition: Paperback

ISBN 9781912147304

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About the Book: 

Does Scotland have a problem with racism?

With its 'civic nationalism' and 'welcoming' attitude towards migrants and refugees, Scotland is understood to be relatively free of structural and institutional racism. As the contributors to this book show, such generalisations fail to withstand serious investigation. Their research into the historical record and contemporary reality tells a very different story.

Opening up debate on a subject that has been shut down for too long,No Problem Here gathers together the views of academics, activists and anti-racism campaigners who argue that it is vital that the issue of racism be brought into the centre of public discourse.

Scotland's role in maintaining and extending slavery across the British Empire is finally beginning to receive the attention it deserves. Yet there is much more that needs to be said about racism in Scotland today.

About the Author:

NEIL DAVIDSON is Lecturer in Sociology at the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Glasgow.
MINNA LIINPAA received her MA (Joint Honours) in Sociology and Central and East European Studies from the University of Glasgow in 2012, graduating with a First Class degree. Following that, she went on to complete an MRes in Equality & Human Rights, also at the University of Glasgow.
MAUREEN MCBRIDE works as a researcher for What Works Scotland.
SATNAM VIRDEE is Professor of Sociology at the University of Glasgow.