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Far na Slighe le Shelagh Chaimbeul

  • Room 237C, Advanced Research Centre 11 Chapel Lane, University of Glasgow Glasgow G11 6EW (map)

Thig cuide ri Shelagh Chaimbeul, bhuannaiche Duais Ghàidhlig nan Sgrìobhadairean Ùra, airson còmhradh mun nobhail ùir aice, Far na Slighe.

Mar neach-ionnsachaidh, bidh Shelagh cuideachd a’ bruidhinn mun t-slighe aice fhèin ann an sgrìobhadh do dh’inbhich agus cloinne anns a’ Ghàidhlig: slighe a thòisich anns a’ chlas Gàidhlig 1B aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu.


Join Shelagh Campbell, recipient of the Gaelic New Writers Award, as she discusses her first novel, Far na Slighe, published in April 2024.

As a Gaelic learner, Shelagh will also discuss her journey towards becoming a published writer, which began in the Gaelic 1B class at the University of Glasgow.

For more information and to book tickets please follow the link below.

Earlier Event: 24 August
I Ran with the Gang