Cuibhle an Fhortain

Mòrag Law

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Edition: Paperback

ISBN 9781913025311

Shortlisted for The Gaelic Literature Awards 2020 Best Fiction Book.

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About the Book: 

An Dàn. Dìomhair, neo-aithnichte is uaireannan gu MÒRAG LAW math cruaidh. Cò nar measg nach do dh’fhuiling buaidh an Dàin air ar beatha? Anns a’ chruinneachadh seo tha iomadach caractar a’ strì leis na dùbhlanan a tha an Dàn a’ tilgeil nan rathad. Gu tric bidh na sgeulachdan aca gar fàgail le ceistean mun àm ri teachd, ’s iad a’ cur cuideam air dè cho caochlaideach is mì-chinnteach ’s a tha beatha mac an duine ’s gun fhios aig duine againn dè tha air thoiseach oirnn.

Fate – fickle, mysterious and sometimes very cruel. From the outback of Australia to the Hebrides, from a city casino to the confines of sheltered housing, this collection of stories shows the hand of Fate at work in the lives and relationships of a wide variety of characters. There are the members of a writers’ group who learn a new and surprising lesson, a couple coming to terms with the restrictions of age, parents forced to acknowledge the growing maturity of their child, a man who makes a bargain with unforeseen results. In some stories, the characters encounter Fate in the guise of a stranger or unexpected visitor, or while experiencing significant – sometimes life-changing – events. In others, the characters are facing up to the effects of a fateful experience in their past. All the stories will leave you with as many questions as answers and make you think anew about the effect of Fate on all our lives.


About the Author:

‘S ann à Eilean Cholbhasa ‘ s a tha Mòrag Law bho thùs ach chaidh a togail anns an Eilean Sgitheanach agus ann an Dùn Omhainn. Tha i a’ fuireach ann an Siorrachd Rinfrìu a-nis. Ged a tha Gàidhlig aice bho thùs, cha do thòisich i ri sgrìobhadh innte gus an d’ fhuair i teastanasan Gàidhlig aig Àrd Ìre, mar inbheach. Choisinn i Duais nan Sgrìobhadairean Ùra (CnL/SBT) ann an 2017 far an d’ fhuair i mentorachd bho Mhàrtainn Mac An t-Saor. 

Dheasaich agus dh’ eadar-theangaich i cruinneachadh de sgrìobhaidhean a màthair airson an leabhar dà-chànanach Dìleab Cholbhasach/A Colonsay Legacy (Acair, 2013). 

Tha airteagalan,sgeulachdan agus neo-ficsean aithriseal aice air nochdadh anns na h-irisean Cothrom agus SteallNorthwords Now/Tuath agus anns na cruinneachaidhean Nourish/Beathachadh (SBT, 2017) agus New Writing vol 9(SBT,2018). Chaidh sgeulachd ghoirid aice craoladh air Podcast Gàidhlig A’ Chrannag o chionn ghoirid.

Tha ùidh shònraichte aice ann a bhith a’ cruthachadh sgrìobhadh a bhitheas freagarrach is fosgailte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig.

Originally from the Isle of Colonsay, Mòrag Law was brought up on the Isle of Skye and in Dunoon and now lives in Renfrewshire. A native Gaelic speaker, she began writing in Gaelic after gaining Higher Grade qualifications as a mature student. In 2017 she won a Gaelic New Writers’ Award (Gaelic Books Council/Scottish Books Trust ) where she was mentored by Martin MacIntyre.

She has edited and translated a bi-lingual collection of her late mother’s writings (Dìleab Cholbhasach/A Colonsay Legacy, Acair 2013) and has had articles, short stories and narrative non-fiction published in Cothrom and Steall magazines,Northwords Now/Tuath and the anthologies Nourish/Beathachadh (Scottish Book Trust 2017) and New Writing vol 9 (Scottish Book Trust 2018). One of her short stories has recently been featured in the Gaelic podcast A’ Chrannag.

Mòrag has a particular interest in producing work that is accessible to Gaelic learners.